last week i may have gone a little overboard. i was not having a good week in general, and we need SO much stuff for this house--i think it was just the perfect storm. i am sure it was going to happen sooner or later. oh well.
so i decided to treat the house to some new goods. nothing major, and all in all, some super good deals, but i can definitely say i am counting the hours, minutes & seconds until pay day. so i will be dropping some tidbits this week of some of the new loot i took home.
first up, two new bedside tables:
white lacquer with greek key handles |
detail of greek key hardware |
and here they are in their new home:
well, i tried to get a picture of both of them, but alfred couldn't bare that i photograph something other than him, so he military-style crawled underneath the bed to block my shot. what a psycho.
also, while i was in the shop though, i scored another little piece for $50. it needs a lot of loving to get back in to shape, but is on the right path after an aggressive scrub down with trusty old brasso. i think i let out a little stress on this poor, unsuspecting new friend.