Thursday, April 5, 2012

in search of

a dining room table (+ chairs)

we need something to replace this:

as this is all i have to use for now:

they kind of look like misfits in there.

currently coveting:

rachel zoe's dining room

jonathan adler nixon table


jonathan adler

ghost chair

tulip chairs

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

focus: dining room

originally, i was thinking something along the lines of this:

orange/white quadrille wallpaper in some form or fashion +
quadrille wallpaper 1
quadrille wallpaper 2

quadrille wallpaper 3

white table +

lilly pulitzer table

and white breakfront of some sort +

+ a burlwood console

and a little white bar = dining room

given my budget (or lack thereof), i don't think i will be able to go in that direction anytime soon. we kind of have to work with what we have for the most part, but i am in dire need of a larger table. i will have more on my search tomorrow. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

 this week, my goal is to actually finish a project (that i started circa 2011). ridiculous, i know. 

i started painting these suckers one day last year, and they got tossed to the side as soon as i was able to peel the first strip of wallpaper off at the new house. this week i am making a vow to these two--i will finish painting you before the end of the week. that is, unless it rains every day after work. 

i bought the yellow chevron fabric (below left) to make cushions with last year, but of course never got around to that either. i would love to say that i'll get around to that this week, but who am i kidding here? i will probably still be painting the hallway.  keep your fingers crossed for the chairs. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

my secret is out

i usually write all of my posts for the blog during the weekend & schedule them to post during the week. i know, it's awful. the shame. 

i guess that became painfully obvious last week when i failed to share my news. soooo, to catch everyone up to the same page: 

this happened...

no, we didn't purchase a horse & carriage. but we did get engaged!