Tuesday, March 13, 2012

the slammer

our dear friend mrs. (not mr.) squirrel was captured, transported, and released to her new home...hopefully far, far away from here. all in the course of half an hour of constructing the trap might i add. see pictures below--we seriously have an exterior squirrel trap hanging off of our house.

however, she was not a mr.--she was a mrs. and according to triangle pest control, she might or might not have had a little flock of squirrel babies nesting in our roof line. fortunately, we haven't heard any noises to that effect since she packed her bags, however, a few of her friends are still coming by to visit a week after she left. i know it is probably difficult to see, but there are traps on the exterior and dozens of little squirrels come prancing by a few times a day to check out where she went. i mean hellllo, there is a trap there, just hop right in & we will be happy to take you to your friend. 

this reminds me, i must start taking pictures with something other than my phone. iphones make people lazy. i haven't used a camera in about a year. 

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