Thursday, March 22, 2012

never ending story

let's talk about my feelings on this hallway.

it is long...very long. in fact, i attempted to measure it so i would have some sort of justification for how long it has taken to finish painting.

this is pretty much what my nights have consisted of for the past few weeks: brown paper, oil based paint, blue painter's tape, extra tarps, paint thinner, ladder, and excedrin migraine for the ass load of headaches it has been giving me.

i know, i know--excuses, excuses. but seriously. 

let's do a little math to give you some understanding. 50+ ft. hallway (I am not kidding) + 12 ft. ceilings + 20+ years since it was last painted + 2 coats of primer + 2 coats of paint + oil based paint + 2 full time jobs (other than renovating this place) + 2 fat dogs who want to lick everything--including wet paint. 

also, i have learned i have a new enemy. may i present to you...the door.

it's not really that door in particular, just the fact that this hallway has 8 doors (i swear on a box of thin mints) + 3 or 4 additional door frames (sans door). do you have any idea how long it takes to paint a door? a 9 foot door? or one with 5 panels? a long mother effing time, i tell you. 

ok, i am stopping there with pictures of doors. anywho, that would be where i have been the past few weeks, and probably where i'll continue to be for quite some time. 

a quick before & after to satisfy your thirst that yes, we actually have accomplished something:

pre operation white paint

the woodwork in all its high gloss white glory

i promise we plan to add runners, furniture, lighting, and art at some point in the (hopefully near) future.

1 comment:

  1. April - I'm loving following this - you're doing AMAZING things! Stay with it despite the exhaustion - this is so freakin cool to follow that I can only imagine the joy for you!
