OK, this post might seem a little crazy on my part. But I can't help it. At this point I am convinced this ladder is a necessity and I am a perpetual over-sharer, so I will just continue on over-sharing until this little project is over.
Let me get straight to the point: The ceilings. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to have the extra space, but those bastards have caused me a lot of anxiety. From the lights (which we all remember that debacle), to the tile, to the range hood, to the cabinets--the change in ceiling height has literally affected every design decision I had made prior to starting the renovation. So much for planning ahead. Every item I had picked out had to be revamped or changed entirely.
There was long discussion about the cabinets. I love to cook and entertain, and with that comes lots of dishes, appliances, and other things I should probably rid myself of with a yard sale, but I digress. That being said, Jack was actually the main advocate for ensuring that we had enough cabinet space. Mr. Practicality. Our kitchen is small enough as it is, so aesthetically, I was thinking the more blank space and open shelving the better. But Mr. Practicality is over there like "cabinets to the ceiling" and "the more storage the better". He was allowed have his voice heard in this decision. Also, our old kitchen had a little over a foot of dead space between the top of the cabinets and the ceiling, and all it did was collect dust. And grease. And stuff you don't want to hear about. Sooo, we knew we didn't want that again. So, what to do, what to do? Mr. Practicality's response was cabinets to the ceiling without question.
Who can reach the top 6' of cabinets I ask you? Not this 5'5" (that's stretching it) chef boyardee. So what is my solution? A rolling library/kitchen ladder of course!
Tell me you don't want this in your kitchen. I die. I am literally dead. Well not literally, but temporarily without breath. I am breathless.
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Jessica Helgerson Interior Design |
Jessica Helgerson, you are my everything.
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Lincoln Park Home |
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Jana Happel Design |
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Cochrane Design |
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Domaine Home |
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Edenali Construction |
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Remodelista |
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Gianetti Home |
These pictures completely convinced/brainwashed me that a library ladder would not only be practical in my kitchen, but was 100% necessary. A mandate. So much so that I called my cabinet guy and asked to halt production so we could talk library ladders. I am sure he was thrilled.
According to Putnam Ladders, everyone from George Bush to Yoko Ono to Diane von Furstenberg has one in their house. You had me at DVF. I knew we were kindred spirits. And, I knew I remembered seeing her library, and once again, dying. I die a lot.
I am pretty sure I tore this out of Elle Decor about 7 years ago in the pre-Pinterest days. I have always some major feelings for that library.
Putnam Ladders turned out to be too expensive to even get depressed about. So, not being one to let a great love die, I even called another company to get a quote. I was all excited, and then bam. OUCH. I could buy 20, maybe more, 10' ladders at Ace for that. OUCH.
If you want to tell me the cons, go ahead, I dare you. It will be in the way. Blah, You'll rarely ever use it. Blah blah. It will be hazardous if you ever have kids. Blah blah blah.
If I told you I was over getting a library ladder, I would be lying. I am not. I still think about them a lot. A whole lot. In the daytime, in the nighttime, at the gym and at work.
Jack, my love, my darling, my angel, this has 30th birthday present written ALL over it. Or anniversary gift. Or a thanks for being you, April, gift. It could be a gift for any occasion really, and it is the gift that keeps on giving. Way better than the jelly of the month club. I would never have to ask you to reach anything. I knew you would see it my way...
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