Wednesday, February 29, 2012

leap frog

it only happens once every four years...happy leap year day! i have always been a little curious about leap year birthday-ers--really, when do they celebrate their birthday? better make it a good one. won't happen again until 2016. 2016? that even sounds weird.

i forgot to give an update on the guest bedroom floors. after 19 coats (not really) of paint, it turned out quite well. it actually was 2 coats of primer, 2 aggressive rounds of sanding, and 2 painstakingly hand applied coats of BM porch & floor paint. and voila: 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


my favorite little mister was delivered last week. major thumbs up on room & board's delivery service.

they were earlier than scheduled & put the bed together more quickly than anticipated. big smiles all around! here he is all dressed up in his new home:

i ordered the bedding from pottery barn--here it is. they have a 20% off sale every year during the month of january, so jot that down on your little calendar there. 

i SO wanted to order bedding from julia b after eyeing it in house beautiful, but it just wasn't quiiiite in the budget. how pretty is her stuff? total love! and on the same note, someone give me those roman shades too!

image via decor pad

Monday, February 27, 2012

look what i found under here...

lovely, heart of pine floors. only needing a little love from a friendly mop. this may be the one project that was easier than anticipated. 


they had been hiding under that white carpet far too long. i think they were very happy to be rediscovered. look at these guys shine!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

and then there were counter tops

at last, the counter tops have arrived! the plumber is coming today to hook everything up so they can actually be used instead of just ogled. happy sunday!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

iiii'm baaaack

i'm alive! just have been a little too busy this week. 

but in the land of updates...we moved in! (last friday!) sorry for the no postings! it is a little chaotic up in here, but things are starting to come together...kind of. hope everyone is having a great weekend! (& enjoying the fact that NC gets 4 seasons of weather all within 24 hours--totally normal!)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

yet another to-do

so the laundry room/guest closet needs a major revamp. just the smell alone radiating out of that room was enough to derail my entire day a few weeks ago. I was planning on painting the guest room that afternoon, but all I could think about was that lingering smell coming from the carpet in that closet. 

So what was I to do? Of course, my ADD self just put down the paint brush (not bothering to clean up any of my paint supplies) and instead decided to start ripping up carpet and linoleum. 

So what started as this...

yes, that is a unicycle in there

ended up as this...

and now, I really, really want the floor to look like this...

image via design sponge

apparently it's just vinyl tiles cut in half and laid in stripes. you can check out the original project here. i'll keep you posted in the meantime, but let's just hope this isn't out of my DIY league. 

update: i ordered the tiles last monday (2-13) and they are still MIA. this obviously puts a kink in my plans, but i will update you as soon as they get here!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

white and glossy

so these are my hopes for the guest bedroom floors...
image via purple area

please remember it used to look like this... (green, velvety carpet)

and then it looked like this... (please note my sweet little mom in there, burning the midnight oil, trying to help out last week.)

then it looked like this (2 coats of primer + 3 coats of paint on the wall + floor sanded once)

then it looked like this... (one coat of primer)
and in day light...

and then this...

after a second round with this guy... (my ADD got the best of me. I just HAD to sand it twice)

then this... (after a second coat of primer)

a bit too ambitious, perhaps? 
keep your fingers crossed--applying more paint as we speak! i will give full diy details later this week!

Friday, February 17, 2012

i love lamp

these puppies need some shades--any thoughts?

i haven't quite decided which room they will reside in, but right now i am thinking black shades...i think.

is this something that would be a little too loud?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

paint wars

what started out as this--BM's Jamaican Aqua vs. BM's Blue Seafoam--

blue seafoam-top, jamaican aqua-bottom

 ended up as this:

not even a color i was considering, but was actually exactly what i wanted: BM's barely teal.

this was jack's sentiment about the entire ordeal:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

and more lighting

in an attempt to minimize the wallet shock as much as possible, i have been trying to buy a few pieces here & there over the past few months in preparation for the big move. one of the items i have been super excited about is this sexy little guy here:

jonathan adler meurice chandelier 

jack's parents gave it to us as a christmas gift & i have just been dying to get this bad boy all strung up. i am attempting to decide which room will be the best home for him. will it be the den?

or perhaps in the parlor room? (this guy needs to go first i think)

we are still in dire need of other light fixtures though since the previous owners removed fixtures like so...

and replaced them with fixtures like so... (is that even the same room?)

i can barely afford ramen noodles at this point, so two of my replacements had to be as budget friendly as possible. this pretty little lady will be going in the master bedroom... (

and her eccentric little sister may be going in the guest bedroom.

i still have my eyes on so many other pretty pieces though. i would love to have a little sputnik in my life. i have always had a thing for this chandelier, but i know if i continue at this rate the house is going to look like a spaceship.

jonathan adler sputnik chandelier 

i would love to have something like this in the kitchen...please, don't everyone volunteer to get it for me at once.
pagoda chandelier from pieces

and i've always loved that anemone chandelier at furbish

via furbish

and i kind of need these for the hall
via west elm

and i am still waiting on bob & courtney novagratz to come & work their magic with these bronze pendants in any room they desire. 

image via honeyandfitz
i mean seriously, how gorgeous are they?
image via honeyandfitz

still waiting...