Sunday, February 19, 2012

yet another to-do

so the laundry room/guest closet needs a major revamp. just the smell alone radiating out of that room was enough to derail my entire day a few weeks ago. I was planning on painting the guest room that afternoon, but all I could think about was that lingering smell coming from the carpet in that closet. 

So what was I to do? Of course, my ADD self just put down the paint brush (not bothering to clean up any of my paint supplies) and instead decided to start ripping up carpet and linoleum. 

So what started as this...

yes, that is a unicycle in there

ended up as this...

and now, I really, really want the floor to look like this...

image via design sponge

apparently it's just vinyl tiles cut in half and laid in stripes. you can check out the original project here. i'll keep you posted in the meantime, but let's just hope this isn't out of my DIY league. 

update: i ordered the tiles last monday (2-13) and they are still MIA. this obviously puts a kink in my plans, but i will update you as soon as they get here!

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