Saturday, February 18, 2012

white and glossy

so these are my hopes for the guest bedroom floors...
image via purple area

please remember it used to look like this... (green, velvety carpet)

and then it looked like this... (please note my sweet little mom in there, burning the midnight oil, trying to help out last week.)

then it looked like this (2 coats of primer + 3 coats of paint on the wall + floor sanded once)

then it looked like this... (one coat of primer)
and in day light...

and then this...

after a second round with this guy... (my ADD got the best of me. I just HAD to sand it twice)

then this... (after a second coat of primer)

a bit too ambitious, perhaps? 
keep your fingers crossed--applying more paint as we speak! i will give full diy details later this week!

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