Sunday, June 21, 2015

Hot jambalaya

So this happened today...

I should have quit while I was ahead. 80 degrees sounds amazing right about now. I would take 80 until Christmas over this. Ok maybe not until Christmas, but I am so sorry I ever complained about that. I promise you, 80 degrees, if you just come back to me I will never say a mean word about you (to your face) again. Please!!! I am begging you!!!

It is bed time and I don't even need my electric blanket. Lucky! We are down to 84 crisp degrees. 

It's really not a big deal. For now, I am just pretending to be at summer camp and I'm pretty sure I'm about to write a letter to my mom to tell it's hot here and I hate it and I want her to pick me up. Pronto.  

This guy is also over it. 

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