Monday, July 6, 2015

old maid

I don't know when I turned 75, so I apologize in advance for how boring I have become. In 2015, my greatest obsessions have been refrigerators, light fixtures, and faucets. Did I just say that out loud. Vomit in my mouth. Well, not really, because I actually really love all of those things. 

Let's talk about faucets. Delectable brass faucets. Let's not talk about their tendency to be as expensive as a European vacation. Let's just talk about them in a dreamy, non numbers kind of way.

via Remodelista

via The Little White House on the Seaside

via Waterworks

via Lane McNab

via The Inspired Room

via House Beautiful

Makes me weak in the knees. 

In true April fashion, before the kitchen reno was even a topic of conversation around the house, I had already decided that my next faucet would be a hunky piece of brass.  There were days where I was completely fixated on brass faucets. As in I don't know if I thought about anything else. 

This is the point where I lose my entire male reader base. I don't know why, but it seems universal that most men hate brass faucets. What did they ever to you? Geez. It is like rompers. With rompers, the ladies are basically wearing a dress, but it's shorter, and it's shorts, and men still hate it. Whatever. Haters gonna hate. 

Because those suckers can really get up there in cost, I tried to include a roundup below with options at all ends of the price spectrum. 

Kingston Brass

Newport Brass


More on faucets tomorrow. Get excited. 

PS--Jack, if you still read this blog (good for you!), but it is officially too late. You are the proud owner of a brass faucet. Please don't be mad. 


  1. If Jack gets mad, just direct his gaze to the brass faucet. He'll be mesmerized by its beauty and totally distracted.
